Dear fellows, followers, customers, and ham enthusiasts, we would like to inform you that our product PTRX-7300 and web page have been targeted by ill-mannered scammers. Including product name PTRX-7300, most of our intellectual proprietary is copied. Obviously this is an attempt to confuse marketplace and sell clone products. We are continuing our seamless effort in providing best panadapter solution PTRX-7300 on the market. You can buy from our reputable distributors as before. By the way, this is not surprise for good products, as many Chinese clones around there. We have all pieces of evidence to prove Radio Analog is original designer and manufacturer of PTRX-7300 and start legal measures. Anybody can check it from internet history that Radio Analog is older company than any other new born clone websites. Scammers are aslo asking us “if you pay certain amount we will stop cloning!”. This shows how these low-attitude people are after easy money.

Panadapter design idea for IC-7300 is not new, but there has been no real product for seamless installation and operation. There are lots of discussions on internet , just check this simple example : We have collected, discussed and contributed to all these ideas and designed a real product. Anybody can start such a business but should not copy a previous product and waste someone’s else investment in time, money and effort ! Using same name PTRX-7300 to confuse people is non ethical and illegal. Additionaly they are trying to deceive people with fake pictures and information. 

We sold our product all over the world and had no even one single negative feedback in terms of product quality and performance ! Now, its time to see all amateur world supporting original product developers. These support will help us to design more innovative products in confidence. This is very important for small tech businesses sustainability.

We have reputable distributors (DXengineering, Ham Radio Outlet, WIMO, ML&S UK) all around the world and we will keep working and serving ham world together. You can buy PTRX-7300 from these distributors confidently.

Kind Regards, Radio Analog Team